What Happened To WPX In Kevin Ohashi’s 2020 WP Hosting Tests?

ReviewSignal.com is an independent hosting review site run by a dude called Kevin Ohashi.

Each year, Kevin runs a batch of tests – raw speed, uptime and load handling – on most of the major players in WordPress Hosting.

Instead of declaring one single winner, Kevin awards the very best performers a rank called “Top Tier” status.

WPX entered last year (2019) and achieved Top Tier status in all three entered categories: 

[a] under $25 monthly 

[b] $25-$50 monthly and 

[c] $51-$100.

Kevin featured the same three categories this year (2020), results published on June 1 2020…

Under $25 Monthly Top Tier Winners:

Kevin’s summary on WPX’s performance in this category:

“WPX Hosting earned another Top Tier award this year. There’s not much to say, 99.999% uptime and almost perfect load tests will do that. Congrats on the repeat, keep up the excellent work.”

$25-$50 Monthly Top Tier Winners:

Kevin’s summary on WPX’s performance in the $25-$50 category:

“WPX Hosting had 100/99.99% uptime marks. Their average response times on both load tests was in the snappy 100ms range. WPX earned themselves Top Tier honors again this year”

$51-$100 Monthly Top Tier Winners:

Kevin’s summary on WPX’s performance in the $51-$100 category:

“WPX had near perfect uptime and did excellent on both load tests. It wasn’t flashy but they were the third fastest average response on Load Storm and second fastest on Load Impact. A consistently great performance which got them another Top Tier award this year”

But What About Support Quality?

Speed is one thing but what about support QUALITY?

Here’s how WPX is doing on arguably the world’s largest genuine review website, Trustpilot.com:

and on Facebook:

Let’s Recap How Much VALUE You Get With ‘Top Tier’ WPX:

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Terry Kyle
Terry Kyle

Terry is co-founder of WPX.net (with Georgi Petrov, CEO), allegedly the world’s fastest WordPress hosting company, and, Founder of Every Dog Matters EU (everydogmatters.org).

Since 2016, Every Dog Matters EU has been caring for over 500 homeless dogs across 3 locations in Eastern Europe.

Terry is also the author of the new book, "High Impact Habits: A 30-Day Playbook To Transform Your Life & Transform Your Organization", available from your nearest Amazon.

Articles: 47