Do Google Page Speed Insights Scores Reflect Rankings? We are increasingly living in an age where more and more webmasters are concerned/frustrated/obsessed with their ‘Performance Grades’ or scores, especially on Google’s Page Speed Insights tool. After all, it’s Google right…
Here is Why your WordPress Admin is Slow There’s your website speed that the online world sees & then there’s your ‘backend’ WP Admin area speed where you work on your site… As co-founding CEO of WPX Hosting, established in…
You probably became an entrepreneur/solopreneur because you wanted to change your lifestyle right? More time with your family and/or traveling and independent freedom? For me, my motivation as an entrepreneur building WPX Hosting was a different take on change, but…
Can You Trust ‘Performance Grade’ Scores On Pingdom, GTMetrix, Google Page Speed Insights etc.? As the co-founder and CEO of (probably) the world’s fastest WordPress hosting service, often WPX customers will come to us being very alarmed about a seemingly bad…
Reason #1: Impatience? If a website intended to display high-quality photography lives on a poor, slow or badly optimized hosting service, that means a poor visitor experience as the pages will usually load very slowly. In short, we’re all getting…
Why Clone a WordPress Site? Cloning a WordPress site can be useful for a number of reasons, such as moving a site from one domain to another e.g. from to after the .com became available to buy. In…
Top 5 ‘TTFB’ Facts You Should Know: There is already a mountain of jargon and technobabble around Web technology so let’s simplify and get to the bottom of this ‘time to first byte’ stuff together. #5: What on earth is…
So you have moved your beloved websites over from a horrible dinosaur hosting company to WPX and you expected hypersonic speeds but the folks at Pingdom Tools and GTMetrix ain’t so impressed (yet) and your score might look like this:…
Kevin Ohashi is the founder of a review site called Each year, Kevin conducts independent tests to determine which WordPress hosting companies offer the best performance in terms of page loading speed around the world, server quality and load handling,…
If you’re not a very technical person and you’re probably not if you’re reading this, speeding up a painfully slow WordPress site can seem difficult to say the least. So I’m going to lay out – in NON-techy language –…