What is a domain vs subdomain and how to create a subdomain

In this article, we will cover the main differences between a domain vs subdomain. How to create them and use them simultaneously in order to grow your business properly.

What is a Domain

Before we dive into subdomains and how to use them properly, we need to go through the foundation and that is the domain. In other terms Top-Level Domain is the main name you have chosen for your website. You can think of it as a type of URL extension and it has different parts. The domain is the main part of the URL that is displayed on the internet.

TLDs are the end part of the URL extension. They indicate the type of category you have chosen with your main domain name. Examples of that would be (com, net, org etc.) different types of domains that you want to attach to your personal needs, such as commercial ones, organizational ones or even country specific ones (uk, de, nl).

The domain is the root and foundation for everything else. In other words, there is no subdomain without an actual domain to link it to.

domain vs subdomain

What is a Subdomain

The subdomain is a continuation of the domain URL. If the domain is Top-Level Domain (TLD), then the subdomain should be secondary or in other terms Second-Level Domain (SLD). In one instance, it can be used to branch out and provide different types of content which is user friendly. For example, with WPX we have a Top-Level domain which provides our main hosting website and what we offer. On the other hand, we have a separate knowledge base specifically made for our clients on a subdomain for all kinds of inquiries and articles that help with the hosting experience.

To summarize the first example, it is to better organize what you offer to the world with your content or business. Another way of thinking about it is user experience. If you have a lot of content or various services, it would be difficult to organize everything on one domain and make it so the visitors get to every part they want without a hassle.

The same explanation goes for other branches of services. For example if you have an online business for kitchens which offers various services like appliances, then you can think of a subdomain as another smaller branch which offers that specific thing you want your audience to be targeted for. 

How to create a subdomain with WPX

Now that we have gone through everything concerning domains and subdomains, you can continue to create a subdomain through the WPX Hosting Panel.

We have a specific article in order to create the type of website you want, whether that is another domain or a subdomain.

In addition to having subdomains, there are further options such as subfolders which can be different WordPress installations within the given domain or subdomain for that matter.

Depending on your ideas and what you want to achieve, you can create an entire ecosystem of domains and subdomains to experiment and provide the best for your audience.

That’s it! Everything was covered from explanations about domains and subdomains and how to create them through our separate article.

If you have any questions regarding the topic, please make sure to contact our customer support which is available 24/7 via LiveChat or Email Ticket system.

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Svetlozar Todorov
Svetlozar Todorov

Svetlozar Todorov is a Team Lead in the Support Team at WPX. Having over 7 years of experience with handling various clients issues, fixing and offering solutions has helped him gain a lot of knowledge. Managing different support teams and sharing expertise is essential in order to develop and maintain a high level of customer satisfaction.

Articles: 21